
Galactic Holorecord #1: “Train Yourself to Let Go”

The feeling when you leave your home for a Star Wars Celebration is electric. There is nothing like it. You feel like a kid on Christmas. And the best part is, you will remember each second like it was yesterday. That’s what was going through my mind when my dad (accompanying me to go play golf while I did my thing) and I pulled out of the driveway. Of course I have to include an interlude for the best little dog of all time. We dropped our Cokcapoo dog Bogey (who turns 15!) off at the Doggy Depot before we left. He enthusiastically pulled my dad through the rain. I think he might have been even more excited than me 😂 Then we were off to the airport! The drive through the Chicago suburbs could not go fast enough. More coming next time. MTFBWY

Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022

Hello There! I created this blog for me to channel my nerd musings. What better way to start than by giving a blow by blow account of the best nerd experience of my life, Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2022? I took enough pictures and experienced enough to write a book about. Hyped to share my experience with everyone.